Saturday, September 25, 2010

Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop at Word on the Street

On September 26, 2010, Ray Hsu of the The Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop and instructor at the UBC Creative Writing Program's first Asian Canadian creative writing course, will be offering a session called "Cultural Writing" at WOTS that will teach participants how to be meme-splicers: taking cultural materials and remixing it so that it catches in people's minds, sticks, and even go viral.

The Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop (ACWW) assists Asian Canadian writers in publishing and showcasing their work. ACWW has been in operation since 1969 and is also the publisher of Ricepaper Magazine, showcasing creative and inspirational Asian Canadians. Ray Hsu will also be reading in The Poetry Tent from his new book, Cold Sleep Permanent Afternoon. The workshop is limited to 30 people, so early queuing is recommended.