Thursday, February 18, 2010

ACWW's Bedtime Stories Project Publishes 'Henry Chow'

Chosen by Ricepaper magazine and the Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop (ACWW) Henry Chow and Other Stories are children's short stories selected by the ACWW Bedtime Stories Committed. Written by emerging and established writers, such as Evelyn Lau and Governor General's Award winner Paul Yee, these stories not only captivate and entertain teens of all ages, but define Asian Canadian writing at its best. Established authors include:

Paul Yee
Governor General’s Award-winning author Paul Yee writes for children and young adults. His book, The Bone Collector’s Son, was shortlisted for the Vancouver Book Award. He was raised in Vancouver but now lives in Toronto.

Evelyn Lau - Lau lives Vancouver. Her first book, Runaway: Diary of a Street Kid, was a memoir. She is widely published and some of her books of poetry and short stories include: You Are Not Who You Claim, The Monk’s Song, Solipsism, Choose Me and the novel, Other Women.